BS Psychology


BS Psychology is a four years degree program in Psychology. It comprises 8 semesters, 131 credit hours, and 45 courses. The Best University for Psychology in Multan offers a wide array of courses in such a manner that are interrelated to facilitate the student’s understanding and promote learning in an effective manner. The delivery of courses fulfills educational needs and is as per the guidance of the scheme of studies of the Higher Education Commission (HEC). The BS Psychology program’s objective is to produce competent and leading psychology graduates by instilling leadership, cognitive abilities, creativity, research orientation, interpersonal abilities, and ethical principles through rigorous teaching techniques and practical exposures.

Eligibility Criteria

Intermediate or equivalent with at least 2nd division.

Career Prospects

The BS degree program of the Psychology Department prepares students to be competent for the following areas:

  • Educationists and Researchers
  • Psychologists in multiple domains
  • Rehabilitation
  • Armed forces
  • Police
  • Special education
  • Health
  • Sports

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Interpret psychological phenomena using scientific reasoning. Demonstrate information literacy in psychology.

Engage in innovative and integrative problem solving and thinking. Basic psychological research must be interpreted, designed, and carried out.

Graduates will engage in advanced and professional learning activities and enhance their abilities to compete at global levels, developing knowledge and pursue new career opportunities.

Programs Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of major psychological concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends

Students will be able to address issues related to behavior and mental processes using critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and a scientific approach

Students will be able to apply psychological principles to issues affecting individuals, interpersonal relationships, groups, and society.

Students will value empirical evidence, be able to tolerate ambiguity, act ethically, and understand their role and responsibility as members of society.

Students will be able to design, implement, and communicate fundamental research methods in psychology, such as research design, data analysis, and interpretation.

Students will be able to comprehend and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and practice norms.

Scheme of Study BS Psychology Program

Total Credit Hours = 133

Functional English
Islamic Studies and ethics
Ideology and constitution of Pakistan
Introduction to sociology
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Mass Communication
The Translation of Holy Quran
Arts and Humanities
Applications of information and communication techniques (ICT)
Quantitative reasoning 1
Schools & Perspectives in Psychology
Social Psychology
Introduction to Economics
Expository Writing
Special Education
Positive Psychology
Cross Cultural Psychology
General Science
Civic and community engagement
Cognitive Psychology
Theories of Personality
Developmental Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Educational Psychology
Research Methods – I
Biological Basis of Behavior
Clinical Psychology
Psychological Testing
Research Methods – II
Statistics in Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Health Psychology
Environmental psychology
Peace and Conflict Management
Organizational Psychology
Military Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Research Project /Thesis


1. Courses will be offered when all conditions are met.
2. Curriculum in constant review due to its dynamic nature.
3. ISP reserves the right to change the above curriculum without any prior notice.