BS Urdu (2.5 Years)


BS in Urdu at the ISP Multan is a 2.5-year program offered for students who are passionate about the dynamic understanding of the Urdu language and literature. The degree is perfect for students who wish to expand their knowledge of the Urdu language. The program is designed in a way that unleashes innovative and critical thinking in students. The program offered by the best university in Multan focuses the areas like; oral and written Urdu skills, complex prose, poetry, Teamwork prospects, and opportunities to grow and expand their horizon.

Eligibility Criteria

Graduation or equivalent with at least second division.

Career Prospects

There is a wide array of opportunities in government and private sectors available to BS Urdu graduates, including editing, teaching, newspaper reporting, as well as employed social media writers in various research firms.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To acquire knowledge about teaching and learning of Urdu Language to apply in the context of Pakistani society.

Teach students the utilization of Urdu language through imaginativeness and creativity.

To equip students with necessary skills & training and enabling them to look at Urdu literature and language analytically.

To abreast students with essential specialized skills.

Programs Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The students would be competent to adequately express themselves by oral and written communication.

The students would have profound knowledge of the key concepts in Urdu Language and Literature

The students would be able to critically explore major schools of literary criticism and theory.

The students would be equipped with professional skills in teaching the Urdu language.

Scheme of Study BS Urdu (2.5 Years) Program

Total Credit Hours = 75

کمپیوٹر کا علم
پاکستانی زبانو ںکا ادب
نثری اصناف: تعارف اور تفہیم
اردو زبان قواعد وارتقاء
جغرافیہ کا علم
اردو افسانہ اور ڈراما: فکری وفنی مطالعہ
بیان ، بدیع وعروض
اردو داستان اور ناول: فکری وفنی مباحث
اردو غزل کا فکری وفنی مطالعہ
تاریخ ادب اردو اور ادبی تحریکیں
ادبی اصطلاحات
اردو ناول کا ارتقائ: بیسویں صدی تا حال
اردو نظم: فکری وفنی مطالعہ
اردو نثر کے اسالیب کا مطالعہ
عالمی کلاسیک: تعارفی مطالعہ
اصولِ تحقیق وتدوین
اردو فکشن میں تاریخی وتہذیبی شعور
اردو ادب کا تانیثی مطالعہ
غالب کی تخلیقی اور فکری جہات
ریسرچ ورک
تنقید اور نئے تنقیدی مباحث
اقبال کا خصوصی مطالعہ
معاصر شعری ادب
سرسید احمد خان کی فکری جہات