
Institute of Southern Punjab is a blend of students, teachers and staff committed to perform their duties at the highest standards. National and International concerns about quality of education in higher education institutions, has demanded change from traditional modes of teaching research, learning and management and to adopt a formal, transparent and credible systems of quality assurance with external verification of outcomes and processes, keeping in view these requirements, Quality Enhancement Cell has been established recently at ISP as per directive of HEC. Quality Enhancement Cell is responsible to promote higher standards of education and research in the University and develop quality assurance processes and evaluation methods.

Director’s Messages

Quality Assurance (QA) comprises of administrative and procedural activities implemented through a quality management system. Studies published indicate, quality implementation drive suffer because of the considerably different perceptions of faculty and management. Serious setbacks are observed when faculty is viewed as a “commodity”, and lacks ownership. Faculty forms the institute’s true competitive edge, if its participation is curtailed; it becomes passive contributor with little or no initiative.

Critiques pronounce that Quality in higher education institutions (HEIs) is “what exactly the students are able to do (that they were not able to do before) as a result of their education”. But I see it more complex and diversified, because unlike industrial product; students in itself are neither absolute product nor their employer’s absolute customer. Parent of the students and society need to be considered as serious stakeholder in addition to the employers.

In line with guidance from HEC and accreditation bodies, ISP administration and faculty have prepared goals, roles, and mission for Quality management and assessment. Its true implementation and desired results can be achieved through team work only. Whole hearted support from all tiers is thus solicited.

Dr. Syed Farhan Gillani

Dr. Syed Farhan Gillani

Director QEC


Employing best quality assurance measures to ensure highest quality of education at ISP which is compatible and competitive with international standards.


  • Developing / implementing QA Policies and procedures
  • Capacity building of the faculty / staff
  • Assessing / auditing the processes
  • Taking measures for enhancement of the quality of education & research
  • Internationalization of the ISP

Quality Assurance Policy Statement

The Institute of Southern Punjab will serve the community and meet the challenging needs of national and international market by providing quality higher education through effective and efficient quality assurance system underpinned by quality teaching, learning and research.

Salient Features

Effective Institutional quality assurance processes assess quality against their mission and related objectives. The Institute in this QA System has adopted quality as “Fitness for Purpose” a concept that stresses the need to meet or conform to generally accepted standards defined by Higher Education Commission. The objectives of Quality Assurance policy includes following: To provide guidance in development and implementation of internal and external quality assurance procedures and practices. To ensure that quality of academic programs at Institute of Southern Punjab meet standards expected by all stake holders. To ensure that graduates have attained skills and knowledge through academic programs that is valued by stake holders. To assist in maintaining and developing quality of academic programs through enhanced support processes. To facilitate development of a culture of continuous quality improvement to achieve academic excellence and ethical values.