Research & Development Instructions
Instructions For Author
The authors are requested to submit well-researched and original paper with a length of 5000 to 7000 words, including references. The paper must contain an Abstract with a length of 200-300 words, including Keywords.
First page of the article should contain title of the research paper, name of the author, designation, institution affiliation and contact details. All the articles must be composed in MS Word, however; Font should be Times New Roman. An article should be typed on A4 size paper in double space, on one side of the page. Font size for title headings for English Articles 16 Bold, and for sub-headings 14 Bold, however, font size for references is 10.
All citations should follow the Chicago Manual of Style and the detail of the style can be observed on “”>
Articles are required to be submitted by Email: [email protected] to the editor for the publication.
The articles are double blind peer reviewed by the experts before publication. However, the Editorial Board reserves the right to exclude the paper without showing cause for it. The decision of the Editorial Board will be considered exclusive for publication of the article.
The author has to submit article along with similarity report and he will be legally responsible for any objection in this regard.
The Editorial Board does not necessarily agree with the views of the authors, and cannot be held accountable for any statement, comment or information.