Interdisciplinary Research

Interdisciplinary research among the departments, department of computer science/IT, different Engineering technologies, mathematical sciences and management sciences of ISP involves collaboration which has gained significant attention and funding over the years. This approach is often seen as crucial for addressing different global challenges that cannot be tackled by a single discipline alone. Therefore, it is the requirement of ISP in allocating reasonable finances for interdisciplinary research.

1. Interdisciplinary research success amongst science disciplines.

ISP do have measures to evaluate the success of interdisciplinary research among science disciplines. These measures aim to assess the impact, productivity, and outcomes of interdisciplinary research initiatives. Here are some common measures ISP has taken:

a) Publication Metrics: (

  • Number of interdisciplinary research publications in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Impact factors of interdisciplinary publications.
  • Collaborative publications involving researchers from different disciplines.

b) Project Funding:

  • Interdisciplinary research projects funding from IGNITE, government agency
  • Received funding on 5 interdisciplinary research projects.

2. Specific physical facilities for interdisciplinary research amongst science disciplines?

ISP has established specific physical facilities to support interdisciplinary research among science disciplines. These facilities are designed to encourage collaboration, innovation, and knowledge exchange across different disciplines. Here are some common types of physical facilities that universities may provide for interdisciplinary research:

a) Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC)

  • ORIC is established to focus on specific themes or areas for interdisciplinary research teams, including labs, offices, meeting rooms, and collaborative areas.

b) Collaborative Research Spaces

  • ISP has collaborative research spaces or hubs where interdisciplinary research teams can work together on projects.
  • These spaces are designed to facilitate interaction and collaboration among researchers from different disciplines, with shared equipment, and amenities.

c) Shared Laboratory Facilities

  • Shared laboratory facilities with specialized equipment and resources are often provided to support interdisciplinary research.
  • These facilities allow researchers from different disciplines to access state-of-the-art equipment and conduct experiments or studies that require interdisciplinary expertise.

3. Specific administrative support for interdisciplinary research teams amongst science disciplines

ISP do provide specific administrative support for interdisciplinary research teams among science disciplines. This support includes:

a) Dedicated Interdisciplinary Research Offices

b) Grant and Funding Assistance allocated for interdisciplinary research

c) Proposal Development

d) Compliance and Ethics

e) Collaboration and Networking

f) Event and Workshop Organization

g) Communication

h) Project Management

4. Promotion system that recognizes interdisciplinary research amongst science disciplines

ISP has a promotion system that recognizes interdisciplinary research amongst science disciplines, considering it as an important and integral part of academic advancement and excellence.

a) Criteria for Promotion

 ISP has a specific criteria and guidelines for evaluating interdisciplinary research contributions when considering faculty or researcher promotions.

b) Recognition of Interdisciplinary Work

ISP recognizes and value interdisciplinary research by considering it in promotion, and merit evaluation processes.

c) Committees and Review Panels

ISP has interdisciplinary research committees or review panels that evaluate and assess the impact, quality, and contributions of interdisciplinary research for promotion purposes.

d) Incentives and Rewards:

ISP offers incentives, rewards, or additional recognition for faculty or researchers who engage in and excel in interdisciplinary research, such as Awards or Honours.

e) Documentation and Portfolio

Faculty or researchers are often encouraged to document and include interdisciplinary research contributions in their promotion portfolios, highlighting collaborations, publications, grants, and other achievements.