Dr. Ayyaz Ali

Profile Summary

As an academic, I have a strong background in advanced numerical analysis, numerical solution of partial differential equations and their applications in numerical analysis, best approximations and iterative methods. As a researcher, my main interest is in exact and analytical solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations and mathematical models of physics and its applications. I have supervised, 65 M.Phil. I have published 30 papers in quality journals with impact factor and 2 conference papers presented in prestigious conferences. My research papers published in renowned journals such as Advances in Difference Equations, Journal of Taibah University for Science, AIMSMathematics, Pramana-journal of physics, . Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano science, International Journal of Biomathematics,FundamentaInformaticae, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, IndiaSection A Physical Sciences,

Ph.D. Mathematics
HITEC University Taxila Pakistan, 2011 – 2016.
M.phil Mathematics
COMSATS University Islamabad Pakistan,2008 – 2010.
B. Z. University Multan Pakistan, 2000 – 2002.
Professional Experience
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Pakistan
Nov 2019 – Present
Institute of Southern Punjab
Oct 2016 – Oct 2019
Associate Professor
HITEC University Taxila Pakistan
July 2014 – Sep 2016
Capital University of Science and Technology, Pakistan
July2008 – June 2014
Associate Professor
Foundation University (FUIEMS), Pakistan
July 2006 – June 2008
Assistant Professor
University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi (UAAR) Pakistan
Mar 1999– June 2006
